InnoGames strategy hit turns 20

06/29/2023 - The year is 2003, and Netflix is sending DVDs by mail. Myspace goes live. The first Call of Duty hits the shelves. In the same year, Hendrik and Eike Klindworth and Michael Zillmer publish the browser build-up strategy game "Die Stämme" virtually out of the children's room, thus laying the foundation for InnoGames GmbH, founded in 2007.
20 years later, The Tribes is an award-winning classic of the genre with a total playtime of over 48 million days and a lifetime revenue of 180 million. Thanks to 100,000 active players (46 of whom have been playing for 5 years or more), the game is still alive and kicking. But even tribal players who have long since moved on to other games still like to talk about their experiences. Of legendary tribal feuds and grueling battles, but also of gatherings, friendships, and even weddings in "real" life that would not have been possible without the shared passion. Accordingly, this year's anniversary is themed "Love for the tribe never fades."
"Without The Tribes, InnoGames might not even exist today. If it did, it would probably be a completely different company. If only because many employees who came to us through the game over the years - or have even been on board since the very beginning - now play a significant role in determining InnoGames' fortunes. We couldn't have dreamed of all this in 2003, but we couldn't have wished for it any better. Our goal is to ensure that Die Stämme will continue to bring joy to its players for many decades to come. That's why we will continue to support the Tribes team in making the game a little bit better every day. At the same time, we sincerely thank everyone who has made Die Stämme what it is today," comments Hendrik Klindworth, CEO and co-founder of InnoGames, on the anniversary.
Source: Official website