Start of the Open Beta

09/29/2022 - GEM Capital and Wishlist Games have sent World War 3 into open beta today. The shooter, which is also often referred to as a free alternative to Battlefield, aims to offer an extremely authentic tactical experience, reminiscent of real warfare, but still accessible.
The game features weapon models closely based on real weapons used by real militaries around the world. Realistic gameplay features such as ballistics, physics, and full-body awareness provide an authentically modern and realistic combat experience. Players will also engage in team-based skirmishes on highly realistic maps, with "Berlin" being particularly notable.
World War 3 launches into Open Beta today after being in closed beta testing since November last year. The OBT also marks the time when the game will switch to a free-to-play distribution model and the new in-game store will be introduced. It also introduces a completely revamped map that was previously unavailable to most players, Smolensk. The CBT phase was used extensively to make necessary audio improvements and gameplay, balance and player progression improvements based on player feedback. WW3's closed beta launched last fall and was available to players with closed beta packages and those who purchased the game during its initial Steam Early Access release in 2018. Today, starting at 5 p.m., the game will be available to everyone. A previously announced progression wipe (player progress reset) will ensure that all players have the same starting conditions. In this way, anyone interested can see for themselves the quality of this alternative to Battlefield and CoD, completely without risk.
Source: Press release