World War 3 Onlinegame
With Update 1, World War 3 is getting an extensive overhaul. The new Battle Pass EVERGREEN is free for all players and offers 50 levels of new weapons, strikes and customization options. In addition, the update brings optimizations, including reduced file size, balancing adjustments and improved anti-cheat technology.
GEM Capital and Wishlist Games have sent World War 3 into open beta today. The shooter, which is also often referred to as a free alternative to Battlefield, aims to offer an extremely authentic tactical experience, reminiscent of real warfare, but still accessible.
The tactical shooter World War 3 will enter open beta on September 29. All players who have purchased a closed beta package will be eligible to participate in the 3-day beta on September 26. Also, the game will be free for all players starting September 29.
MY GAMES and The Farm 51 invite you to participate in the public stress test of their online tactical FPS World War 3 on Steam and in the MY GAMES Store this weekend. It will run from February 3 at 13:00 until February 7 at 13:00.