Persian event begins in Rise of Cultures
05/02/2022 - Princess Irdabama is on a mission: she has been sent by the Shah to establish a productive trade route through Persia and needs help. Rise of Cultures players can help Her Royal Highness by completing quests and bringing water jugs to the trade caravan traveling across the country. The event runs from today until May 22.
Players must complete objectives set by Irdabama in order to progress during the event. Tokens are awarded for completing these tasks, which can then be used to open chests in the event window. There is also a new display to help players understand their progress towards the Grand Prize: a map of the ever-growing trade route. With each chest opened, players travel across the map as Irdabama explains how trade caravans originated in ancient Persia and adds wonderful historical context to their quest.
When players reach the end of the map, they receive the Grand Prize: a "Persian Palace" evolution token. The beautiful Persian Palace awards culture boosts, mixed chests, and the ability to get "Small Cult" customization sets through which players can obtain the Achaemenid Soldier - a statue that provides a useful health boost to players` ranged units. The Persian Palace can also be upgraded to level 40, with unique changes to the building architecture at levels one through ten.
Players can add a Persian touch to their land during the event: There are four new houses to build, a tea tent, four new farm types, as well as statues, a tower and a mosaic pavilion. All of these new building customizations come with rewards, from culture and health boosts to food, attack and goods bonuses.
With 124 quests to complete and the "Free Currency" quest added on top of that, players have a lot to do, and they only have 20 days to do it!
Source: Press release