Info about the upcoming new update to 21.2

01/11/2023 - After the release of the "Vikendi Reborn" content update, the new update 21.2 will be released on January 18 for PC and January 26 for consoles. With it, players will receive updates for Vikendi, Sanhok and Taego, as well as an update for the 1v1 Arena in Training Mode.
World updates in Vikendi
Chill Out - Mother Nature is back to wreak havoc in Vikendi once again. With update 21.2, players will be exposed to the blizzard zone. Once players enter this zone, they move slower, take perpetual damage per second, and vision and hearing are affected. Vehicles are also harder to control.
New Secrets - In addition to the Blizzard Zone, there are new places for players to explore: the Secret Rooms. These are located throughout Vikendi and reward players who have found a security key with various valuable items when they are opened.
Ready to Repair - There are now repair kits exclusively available in Vikendi! Players whose armor, helmet, or vehicle has been damaged during the game can use the kits to repair it. In doing so, helmet and armor repair kits fully restore the respective items, while the mechanic toolbox restores 500 health to vehicles and can only be used inside the vehicle.
Supply Packs for All - Finally, multi-drops are coming to Vikendi! Similar to Taego, multiple supply packs containing high-value weapons, armor, consumables, and more will be randomly dropped during matches.
World Updates in Sanhok
Based on past player feedback, there are numerous changes in Sanhok. For example, ascent ropes have been added to the cave and rocky mountains, and ascent rope attachments will be made available to players as starting items. Additional bridges connecting the northwestern island to the boot camp and ruins have been added to make traveling around the map easier. Also, the water area around the ruins has been made deeper to allow players to swim through. Finally, certain areas have been expanded with sand to make traversing the map easier.
Winning also counts in training
The arena in training mode was introduced in an earlier patch for survivors. Now players can prove their superiority over friends or rivals with a winning streak. Victory streaks in the arena will be recorded after the live server update. A drawn result will not affect the winning streak.
Source: Press release