Crossout gets a major overhaul!

10/11/2022 - Gaijin Entertainment announces that the post-apocalyptic online action game Crossout will be upgraded to Targem Engine 2.0 with the next major update.
With this change, players will be treated to a completely new visual and gameplay experience, as literally every aspect of the game will be revamped: Lighting and shadows, visual effects, physical models, color palette, interface and controls, sound effects and much more! The system requirements and performance remain the same. The update is called Crossout: Supercharged and will be released on October 25.
Using the Global Illumination technology implemented in Targem Engine 2.0, the game now accurately calculates reflected and scattered light so that the image looks more realistic in dimly lit and completely shaded areas. Contact Shadows (SSC) and Local Screen Space Reflections (SSLR) are used to correctly render shadows and reflections from objects of any size and on any surface, including water. Post-processing effects such as Motion Blur, Lens Flare, and Bloom make gameplay appear even more realistic and mimic the way photo and video capture devices work. All changes will be available on all platforms, including PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
In Crossout Supercharged, each post-apocalyptic armored vehicle, which players can carefully assemble from thousands of available parts, behaves even more individually than before. Improved wheel physics and new camera behavior provide an even more immersive driving experience and a more intense sense of speed. The suspension now reacts realistically to curves, sharp starts or braking, and driving over obstacles. Interaction with the environment is now more realistic as well, with better traction simulation and new effects such as wheel spin when the car starts moving. Explosions have also become more spectacular, varied and realistic: The parts flying away from the destroyed armored vehicle fly off with force, a burned-out wreckage and burn marks remain on the ground, and the effects of destroying generators, engines and fuel drums have been revised.
Numerous vehicle components now work differently, and the in-game controls and interface have also been updated. For example, vehicles with a chassis that allows movement in all directions, such as mechanical legs or hover, can be driven more comfortably. They can now be rotated and moved sideways in a way typical of shooter games, which makes the controls much more comfortable, especially on consoles. In addition, the animations and effects for hovercrafts have been optimized. These vehicles now behave even more realistically, since the position of their center of gravity is taken into account in every movement. In addition, the movement physics of the legs have been updated to include weight more realistically, so vehicles with heavy legs can now push away almost any other vehicle.
Source: Press release