Content update: Refractions to be released on January 24
01/24/2023 - Gearbox Publishing and Cryptic Studios announce Star Trek Online: Refractions, the latest update for the MMORPG, which celebrates its 13th birthday next month. Players will experience the end of Terran Move, in which Terran Emperor Wesley Crusher has joined forces with the Other and now wields terrible power.
The new season of Star Trek Online features Terran versions of classic Star Trek characters with the voices of the original actors in their iconic roles. Wil Wheaton returns as Terran Emperor Westly Crusher, as does Gates McFadden as Terran Dr. Beverly Crusher and Chase Masterson as Terran Admiral Leeta. In addition to the new episode Fujiwhara Effect, which concludes the "Terran Move," the new season includes the following content:
A brand new task force - Bird Cage.
A five-player ground operation that serves as a prequel to the Fujiwhara Effect episode. You and four other captains must break out of a prison in the mirror universe and free Terran Dr. Beverly Crusher so she can stop her son from destroying everything and everyone.
Two new patrols
Jupiter Station and Khonshu Khaibit, one ground and one space patrol in the mirror universe of "Terran Move."
Picard Season 2: A Safe Galaxy
The mysterious Class 6 Worldrazer temporal agent juggernaut from Picard Season 2, as well as many weapons and equipment from the "Confederacy" and the "Guardians," are part of this brand new shutter box.
13th Anniversary Event
From January 24 to February 23, in addition to the new content, players* can earn a new Class 6 ship, the Compiler Research Dreadnought, Omega Fragments, and high-value Omega tech upgrades from Q and his long-awaited Omega Molecule Stabilization.
The new season will be released on January 24 for PC and at a later date for consoles.
Source: Official website