Time limited new game mode: Battle for Olympus

01/06/2023 - From now until January 19, you can play a brand new game mode: Battle for Olympus. Available for a limited time, this FFA deathmatch pits heroes against the powers of the Greek gods, goddesses, and creatures.
In Battle for Olympus, seven heroes receive special powers when they activate their divine ultimates, which add more effects to the ability. In addition to the divine ultimates, you can also witness unique interactions between the heroes as they go from mortals to legends in Battle for Olympus.
Here are the teams and their special powers:
Ramattra as Poseidon
Divine Destruction
- Voracious Vortex is a large whirlpool that draws enemies in and then hurls them into the air.
- Overpower unleashes large water blasts that deal more damage and have higher range.
Junker Queen as Zeus
Divine rampage
- Lasts for 20 sec.
- Damage dealt by the repeating shotgun has a chance to add additional lightning damage to their abilities.
Reinhardt as Minotaur
Divine Earth Shock
- Lasts for 20 sec.
- Heals when it charges an enemy and slams them into a wall.
- Onslaught can lock on to up to 3 targets at once.
- The cooldown of Rush is reduced to 3 sec.
- Hitting a wall deals lethal damage, extends divine power, and reduces the next cooldown of Rush to 0.5 sec.
Roadhog as Cyclops
Divine Meat Grinder
- Lasts for 15 sec.
- Makes you much taller and you gain 600 hit points.
- Instead of the normal fire mode of the ultimate ability, throw rocks that deal high damage.
- The melee attack deals five times the damage and knocks enemies back.
Pharah as Hades
Divine Drumfire
- Lasts for 20 sec.
- You can move during the ultimate ability.
- The rocket launcher fires three-headed rockets.
- Vertical launcher's fuel consumption is greatly reduced.
- Kills heal Pharah and extend the duration of this effect.
Widowmaker as Medusa
Divine Infravision
- While in sniper mode, enemies looking at you are turned to stone.
Lúcio as Hermes
Divine Sound Barrier
- Lasts for 20 sec.
- Lúcio can always jump again after pushing himself off a wall.
- The sonic wave can always push enemies into walls, causing them to take additional damage and briefly stun them.
- Attack and movement speed are greatly increased.
- Unlimited Ammo.
Victory in Battle for Olympus
Make your favorite hero immortal in a friendly competition in Battle for Olympus! The hero with the most total kills during the event will be immortalized with a statue on the Ruins of Ilios arena map to commemorate their victory.
Check out Overwatch 's Twitter channel for the latest standings in the Battle for Olympus leaderboard!
Free rewards and new content in the store
During the Battle for Olympus event, you can complete special challenges to earn free rewards. You can unlock spells and player titles, and work towards the legendary Victory Goddess skin for Mercy!
In the store, you'll find new extras and packages that you can purchase with your Overwatch coins.
Source: Press release