The dawn event brings frosty adventures and new rewards

12/12/2024 - The popular Dawn Event returns in Destiny 2, bringing winter-themed activities, new rewards and the Dawn Baking Contest. Guardians can expect a mix of challenges, community events and special items.
With the return of Eva Levante to the Tower, Destiny 2 will once again launch the Dawn Event. This annual event offers a variety of activities where Guardians can experience wintry adventures and earn valuable rewards. Snowball fights, ingredient gathering and baking treats for allies in the solar system will take center stage.
In addition to familiar mechanics, Eva guides players through new challenges and offers an event map with numerous rewards. Among the highlights of the event is the exotic spirit shell "Frost Dragon Shell", which perfectly complements the winter theme. Players can also purchase the Astral Stasis Dracon sets in the Everversum Store, which transform guardians into impressive, frosty dragons.
New and revised weapons
The Dawn Event expands the Guardians' arsenal with new and updated weapons. One of the main attractions is the adaptive void linear fusion rifle "Mistral Buoyancy". In addition, there are freshly reworked Anbruch weapons from previous years with unique perk combinations.
The Anbruch baking competition
A new addition to this year's event is the Anbruch Baking Contest, a community event where guardians work together to earn hidden and exclusive badges. By baking cookies with new recipes, players can increase the drop rate of these rare items. The competition spans several weeks and is an ideal way to progress together.
More information, including exact recipes and event details, can be found in the "This Week in Destiny" article.
Ongoing content in Destiny 2: revenants
The first two acts of Destiny 2: Revenants will continue to be playable alongside the Dawning event. This content includes the "Tomb of the Ancients" activity, brewing elixirs and new perks for weapons and artifacts. There are also plenty of opportunities to develop the game and master new challenges.
What is the Dawning event in Destiny 2?
The Dawn Event is an annual winter event where Guardians can take part in seasonal activities such as snowball fights and baking treats.
What new rewards are available this year?
New rewards include the exotic spirit shell "Frost Dragon Shell", the linear fusion rifle "Mistral Boost" and reworked Anbruch weapons.
How does the Breaking Baking Contest work?
In the baking competition, players bake cookies with new recipes to contribute to community progress. This increases the drop rate of rare badges.
What are the Astral Stasis Dracon Sets?
These sets are cosmetic armor sets available in the Eververse Store that transform guardians into frosty dragons.
Can you still play the revenant content?
Yes, the first two acts of Destiny 2: Revenant are still playable, including new activities and perks.
Source: Official website