The 2022 Keeper Games have started!

05/04/2022 - Keeper games are returning to Destiny 2, and keepers around the world are being called upon to compete against each other for the glory of their favorite class. In this event, which is free for all players, Hunters, Warlocks and Titans will compete against each other to climb the podium for their class.
Let the games begin!
Hunters, Warlocks, and Titans can participate in a variety of event activities to earn points for themselves and their class in different categories. Keepers returning from Savathûn`s Throne World can warm up in the new Training Playlist, earn Strike Medals in the Competitive Strike Playlist, as well as compete for weekly high scores. Solo playthroughs are also available in both playlists for those who like to let off steam. Players:inside can also help their class by earning laurels by playing the most PvE content during the event. Participants will unlock rewards such as the Exotic Legitimate Heir Machine Gun complete with catalyst, a Legendary MP, an Exotic Ship, and more.
Rewards Worthy of Gold
Holders looking for some flair for their outfits should visit Tess Everis, who sells podium-worthy clothing in the Eververse. Keepers who light multiple Platinum Torches will also be eligible for the Keeper Games Pitcher and Keeper Games Medal, which are unlocked through Bungie rewards.
At the end of each week, a ceremony at the podium will grant each class gold, silver and bronze auras according to their current position. Winners will be honored at the Keeper Games Closing Ceremony on May 24; an honorary statue representing the winning class will also be erected and will be on display in the Tower throughout the year.
Keeper Games Cup and Direct Relief`s Charity Event
At the Keeper Games, players:inside will cheer on their favorite streamers as they battle for the title while raising funds for humanitarian causes. Bungie has assembled 42 squads from 14 regions around the world to compete in the first-ever Keeper Games Cup - a friendly competition to see which team in the world has what it takes to take home the medals and climb to the top step of the podium. More information about the Keeper Games Cup and the live leaderboard is available here.
Donations raised during the Keeper Games Cup event will go to Direct Relief. Direct Relief is a humanitarian aid organization that operates in more than 80 countries. Its mission is to improve the health and lives of people affected by poverty and hardship - without reference to politics, religion or ability. Those who donate $25 or more will receive the brand new "Oath of Guardian" badge, which can be redeemed on
Source: Press release