Albion's Outlands become more accessible with the new update

10/02/2024 - Albion Online is bringing exciting new features with the upcoming Horizons update. In the latest Dev Talk, Game Director Robin Henkys presents the improvements in the Open World and the Outlands that will make the game even more attractive for solo players and groups.
Albion Online is preparing for the upcoming Horizons update, which will extensively overhaul the game's open world. In the latest Dev Talk, Game Director Robin Henkys gives an insight into the upcoming changes. In addition to new features for the Outlands, players can expect challenging PvE and numerous improvements to the game quality. Special attention will be paid to the accessibility of the Outlands, especially for solo players and smaller groups.
Changes in the Outlands
One of the most significant changes is to the Outlands, which Horizons will make more accessible and rewarding for solo players and small groups. At the same time, they remain attractive for guild conquests. A key new feature is the S.A.F.E. Portal, a solo teleportation system that gives players instant access to randomly selected Outlands regions. This portal charges a fee in silver, based on the character's weight, and allows a return for a limited time. However, the return portal will close when the player performs certain actions such as picking up items or trading interactions.
There will also be a new type of enemy in the Outlands: the crystalline creatures, which include the crystal beetle and the crystal cobra. These enemies will appear more frequently near players and their increased availability will provide a reliable source of income, especially for groups.
New PvE challenges
In addition to the changes in the Outlands, the update brings dynamic solo and veteran mob camps that change locations regularly and are only accessible for a limited time. Players can earn glory in these camps and receive personal rewards in the form of chests. These new challenges are designed to make exploring the open world more interesting.
The balance of mob strength will also be adjusted: Enemies in the higher levels (T5 to T8) will receive significant life and damage increases. However, this does not affect elite opponents, Avalonians, corrupted dungeons or hell gates. In addition, the rewards for these mobs and chests will be increased to match the increased difficulty.
Further adjustments
The challenging dungeons have also been revised: the rewards have been adjusted to the group size so that completing these dungeons in a group brings additional rewards. The entrances to these dungeons also close shortly after entering to focus on the battle.
Finally, there are changes to the royal continent: some zones will be upgraded to offer additional challenges and rewards. At the same time, resource hotspots have been introduced, offering large amounts of resources in random locations for a short period of time.
What is the Horizons update in Albion Online?
The Horizons Update brings numerous improvements to the open world of Albion Online, including new PvE content, changes to the Outlands and adjustments to mob strength.
What's changing in the Outlands?
The Outlands will be more accessible for solo players and small groups. The new S.A.F.E. portal system allows easy teleportation into the Outlands and crystalline creatures offer a new challenge and reliable sources of income.
What new PvE content is being introduced?
There are dynamic solo and veteran mob camps that change locations regularly. Players can earn fame and rewards by defeating enemies here.
How does the update affect dungeons?
Challenging dungeons will be adjusted to the intended group size. Groups that complete dungeons together will receive additional rewards and dungeon entrances will close automatically after entering.
Are there any changes to the Royal Continent?
Yes, some zones have been upgraded and there are new resource hotspots that offer large amounts of resources for a short time.
Source: Official website