Start of a new universe

09/05/2022 - On 09.09. at 20 clock starts a new round at GigraWars. The new universe replaces the current round and allows a good start for newcomers.
On 09.09. from 20 clock starts a new round at GigraWars. The universe starts in the usual scope with 100 galaxies, with 199 systems each instead of. The duration of the round is limited to 18 months and offers newcomers a good opportunity to join in from the beginning.
Game speed: 1-fold
Number of galaxies: 100
Number of systems per galaxy: 199
Number of planets per system: 3 to 16
Start: 09.09.2022 at 20 o'clock
Duration: 18 weeks
Attack limit: 14,000 attacks per week
Special features: None
The new round brings fresh wind into the game and replaces the still running universe, which runs only a few weeks.
Source: Official website