
Universum 5 starts on Friday 10/23/2024

On October 25 from 8 p.m., GigraWars will launch a new universe with a runtime of two years.

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New GigraWars beta version launches: Join in and help shape it! 04/04/2024

The world of GigraWars is about to undergo a major expansion: The open beta phase of the latest version begins on April 5. Players now have the chance to gain early access and help shape the game. With a planned duration of six months, this phase offers a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the deep expanses of GigraWars.

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Start of a new universe 09/05/2022

On 09.09. at 20 clock starts a new round at GigraWars. The new universe replaces the current round and allows a good start for newcomers.

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Start of a new speed universe 02/04/2022

On 04.02. from 20 clock starts a new speed round at GigraWars. Due to a significantly smaller universe with only 6, instead of the usual 100 galaxies, there will be more player contact and thus more interaction with each other.

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