New update 1.281: Improvements and upcoming events

04/22/2024 - The latest version 1.281 of the popular online game will be released on April 24. This update includes numerous technical improvements, bug fixes and new content for upcoming events. We provide an overview of the most important changes.
Next Wednesday, players of the online game will face a short downtime while version 1.281 is implemented. This update not only includes bug fixes, but also technical improvements and preparation for future events.
Technical improvements and bug fixes
In the area of quantum invasions, for example, the reward chests, which were previously identical to those in guild battles, have been revised. There have also been important adjustments to the quests: These are now only marked as completed when all conditions have been met - a change that is particularly important for players in the Bronze Age and for members who have recently switched guilds. In addition, the balance of quests and rewards has been revised, especially in the Rival Challenges. This should promote a fairer way of playing.
Bug fixes in various areas
Various bugs have been fixed, including a bug that prevented the automatic motivation of settlement buildings. Adjustments have also been made to the antique dealer area and inventory to improve text display and eliminate usage problems.
Mobile updates
Please note that the mobile update will be made available through the stores a few days after the browser version. Among other things, problems relating to the automatic appearance of new quests have been fixed.
Outlook for future content
In addition to the technical updates and bug fixes, the development team is also working on the next version of the quantum invasions and preparing for the upcoming story event.
When will update 1.281 be available in Forge of Empires?
The update will be released on Wednesday, April 24.
What are the main changes in update 1.281?
It includes technical improvements, bug fixes and new content for future events. Particularly noteworthy are the revisions to the quests and rewards.
Are there any changes that specifically affect mobile users?
Yes, the mobile update will follow a few days after the browser version. It includes specific bug fixes, such as the correct display of new quests.
What's new in the Quantum Invasions?
The reward chests at the end of a Quantum Invasion have been revised and are now different from those in Guild Battles.
Source: Official website