Server problems at Fleecys: The game continues, with your help

03/13/2024 - Fleecys faces an unexpected challenge. Technical difficulties are threatening the continued existence of the fluffy community. Despite rumors of a possible bankruptcy or closure of the game, the development team assures that Fleecys will continue to exist. But now the support of the community is needed to overcome the technical problems.
The Fleecys development team is facing a critical challenge: the technical infrastructure of the game, especially the servers, has reached the end of its service life. After a necessary update to comply with new security guidelines, unforeseen problems arose that overwhelmed the system's performance. Despite the successful installation of the update, new difficulties have emerged, making it difficult for the game to run smoothly.
The situation is exacerbated by the economic conditions, as the team's financial reserves are almost exhausted due to price increases and the difficult year 2022. An investment in new server hardware, which could provide a future-proof and stable platform, is not possible without external support.
In a creative appeal to the community, the team is asking for support through the purchase of merchandise and vouchers in the newly launched store as well as through direct donations. These measures are intended to generate the necessary funds for the purchase of a new server. As a sign of appreciation, donors will receive special in-game recognition.
The development team emphasizes that Fleecys is more than just a game; it is a passion and a home for a tight-knit community. The current situation presents a unique challenge, but also an opportunity to strengthen community spirit and support among players.
More details can be found on the game's website, including the logbook of the past 3 weeks which elaborates on the situation.
Source: Official website