Club houses as a new feature

04/26/2022 - upjers continues to bring players together in Dinosaur Park: Primeval Zoo. Dino fans can now open clubs in the game and participate in competitions and fundraising campaigns.
As park managers, players run the Dino Park, look after the well-being of the prehistoric giants, bring guests to the facility and visit the parks of their Mistreiter:innen. Now a new possibility comes into play to compete with and against each other: the clubs.
From level 16, players can build a clubhouse and then found a club or join an existing one. For this purpose, an area next to the entrance is specially cleared. Every week, competitions then start, in which valuable ruby statues and exclusive color variants of animals can be played for.
Through donation campaigns, members receive temporary improvements such as increased breeding chances or more experience points. It can also unlock more spots for the club.
In the group chat, all participants of a club can exchange ideas, discuss strategies or just have a chat.
The new club feature is now unlocked in Dinosaur Park: Primveal Zoo and the first competition has already started.
Source: Press release