Armored Warfare Onlinegame
Game description

In the free-to-play tank game Armored Warfare, you never get to rest. Something is constantly exploding here, something there and another enemy is lurking around the next corner. You won't get far on the battlefield as a lone wolf - in this case, defeat is almost certain. That's why you should quickly team up with other players and score points in team-based matches and cooperative campaigns. You take full control of your armored vehicle, which you can improve bit by bit as the game progresses. With your pimped-up steel colossus, you set out to prove your skills on various battlefields. But be careful: As soon as opposing players spot you, it's time to start shooting! A defensive approach on the various maps has its advantages ?
Many tanks to choose from
In the Armored Warfare download game, you'll find battle tanks, light tanks and fighter tanks. Armored combat vehicles and self-propelled guns are also available. Each vehicle type has individual strengths and weaknesses, which you should familiarize yourself with gradually.
Combat tactics count in Armored Warfare
To emerge victorious from the battlefield, you and your teammates should devise a sophisticated tactic. With a heavy modern steel colossus, for example, you are not as nimble as with a light and maneuverable tank. Whichever vehicle you choose is entirely up to you. The main thing is that you can handle your vehicle well in action-packed situations. Of course, this also applies to the different maps: Everywhere you go, there are different starting situations and therefore opportunities to get the better of your enemy. However, there is no perfect combat tactic in Armored Warfare. In every situation and in every game mode, you have to reconsider how you should act in battle.
The game studio Obsidian Entertainment promises to regularly add new game modes, vehicles, weapons and upgrades to the game so that you can not only refine your combat tactics, but also tweak your armor.
- Onlinegame
- Setting / Genre
Charts Position
- -
Number of players
- Huge
Project orientation
- Commercial
Development status
- Released
- Obsidian / My.com
More MY.GAMES games
- Obsidian / My.com
Rounds length
- infinite
Time setting
- Real-time
- Multilingual
Game effort
- High
Game website
aw.my.com/de (134)
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