Landrush event on the new server

09/22/2022 - Kakao Games and XLGAMES have announced their upcoming Landrush and Server Boost event for the sandbox MMORPG ArcheAge to celebrate the opening of the new server.
Since the opening of the new server this month, Kakao Games has been able to report an increase in the number of players in ArcheAge: Unchained. Specifically, the number of daily users increased by 2.7 times and the highest number of simultaneously active players increased by 4.8 times. It is assumed that the number of players will increase again with the upcoming Landrush event.
Between Friday, September 23, and Sunday, September 25, players on the restart servers will be able to obtain a voucher from the ArcheAge: Unchained website for a limited time. This will unlock two valuable items. Specifically, the Mushroom Forest House (Full Set) and the Bound Tax Certificate to allow players to participate in the Landrush more easily.
The Landrush itself will begin on September 24, at 13:00 CEST on the EU servers and 22:00 CEST on the NA servers. Once the event starts, players will be required to act quickly to secure a patch of land in the ever-changing world of Erenor. Detailed information about the Restart Landrush can be found here.
Additionally, players on the restart server will receive a 400 P boost and a 300 oostup on Conflict/War/Siege/Quest honor points, profession badges, and loot rate during the same period to help support player progress. Also, a new guild instance is available: the Dimension Frontier Defense Raid. Equip together with the other members of your guild and get numerous rewards in this challenging instance.
Source: Press release