Heart puffs belatedly Valentine's Day 2023

03/02/2023 - With almost traditional delay this year comes a beautiful new heart puff for Valentine's Day into play.
The new Valentine's Day P uschel in heart shape belongs to the new Puschel type of Heart Puschel with which you can fulfill your Puschel type quest. Once you have it in your inventory, it activates the new heart-shaped Puschel bodies for the Puschel Lab:
This latest Puschelart in heart shape not only looks super cute, but additionally activates the new eyes in heart shape with ❤️❤️ permanently in the lab, which you can otherwise only select for a limited time on Valentine's Day. The new heart-shaped Puschel bodies are now available in all 16 colors if you have 1 new Valentine's Day Puschel in your inventory. These Puschels that make you beautiful eyes even improve their breeding results with it. Who does not immediately take the new Valentine's Day Puschel with its heart shape into his heart?
Source: Official website