NosTale Onlinegame
Game description

NosTale is a free online role-playing game in which you embark on an exciting journey in a huge fantasy world. Start your journey as an adventurer and later become a fearsome swordsman, a skilled archer or a master of magic. If you are looking for adventure, NosTale is the game for you. The game follows an exciting plot that gives you a direct influence on the story. Together with other players or captured mythical creatures, you can embark on endless adventures to become a feared warrior.
Start your journey as an adventurer and later become a feared swordsman, skilled archer or a master of magic. Almost endless possibilities to dress your adventurer make him an individual and unique character. Decide for yourself what skills he should have and how he should differ from other players. Find out who suits you best!
Play together with your friends. Many exciting challenges await you!
- Onlinegame
- Setting / Genre
Charts Position
- -
Number of players
- High
Project orientation
- Commercial
Development status
- Released
- Gameforge 4D GmbH
More Gameforge games
- Gameforge 4D GmbH
Rounds length
- infinite
Time setting
- Real-time
- Multilingual
Game effort
- High
Game website
www.nostale.de/ (158)
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