SpaceTrek - The new Empire SpaceTrek - The new Empire
7 from 10 - 3 Reviews

SpaceTrek - The new Empire

Game description

SpaceTrek - The new Empire

The player colonizes planets and builds them individually. He builds spaceships and explores the infinite expanses of the galaxy.

Build ships and conquer new galaxies, or trade in goods are in the New Empire only a few of the many interaction options. Each planet, each building and each ship can be managed in many details in a variety of ways. The player can communicate with other players via a sophisticated communication network and must prove his diplomatic skills by signing treaties and joining alliances.

Produce goods, supply your colonies and trade with other players. Each planet, building and ship can be managed in many details in a variety of ways. Communicate with other players via a sophisticated communication network. Show your diplomatic skills by signing treaties and joining alliances.


  • Type
    • Browsergame
  • Setting / Genre
  • Charts Position
    • -
  • Number of players
    • Low
  • Project orientation
    • Hobby-Development
  • Development status
    • Released
  • Publisher
    • Sebastian Loncar
  • Rounds length
    • infinite
  • Time setting
    • Ticks
  • Language
    • German
  • Game effort
    • Medium
  • Game website
  • Report error / problem

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