Crsed: FOAD Cross-Platform
A new mode has seen the light of day in CRSED: F.O.A.D.. Players can now jump straight into battle from the air as part of the "Airborne Assault Force", equipped with jetpacks and the freedom to choose the starting point of their battle. This mode invites players to combine strategy and skill in new ways.
Gaijin Entertainment and the Matter team have released a major update. This update introduces the long-awaited Cuisine Royale mode, which features realistic weapons, improvised armor and a return to the roots of the battle royale genre. Players can now choose between this and other modes that include mystical elements and superpowers.
Darkflow Software and Gaijin Entertainment announce the release of the "I'mMortal'' update for the online shooter CRSED: F.O.A.D. A new unique champion - the hellish Russian oligarch Nikolay Orlov - joins the fight. Also, the mystical ritual "Fog" and new cosmetic items have been added to the game.
Darkflow Software and Gaijin Entertainment are pleased to announce the worldwide release of CRSED: Cuisine Royale for Android devices. The mobile version of the hard-hitting online shooter CRSED: F.O.A.D. brings the intensity and thrill of the console game to your smartphone.
Gaijin Entertainment and Darkflow Software have announced the release of the Dieselpunk update for the shooter CRSED: F.O.A.D.. Engineer and inventor Frederick Diesel is a new fighter who can build some unique new vehicles right on the battlefield.