Pennergame Browsergame
Game description

The aim of the game is to develop your character (avatar) financially and manage it through further training until it becomes the owner of the castle. In addition to collecting deposit bottles and virtual donations, money can be earned by learning a musical instrument, for example, which can then be reinvested in improving concentration skills or in a more profitable place to live. Thus the player develops its Avatar continuously up to the owner of the castle further.
Pennergame succeeded in setting the classical play concept Aufbauspiel into a new, contemporary context. Thus, it stands out from the mass of games that are mainly set in the Middle Ages or the discovery of space thematize.
However, Pennergame does not claim to offer a true-to-life representation of reality. But due to the topic and its funny and not always politically correct implementation, it succeeds in making young people aware of the topic of homelessness and the discussion about the currently widening income gap in Germany and to sensitize them to these issues.
- Browsergame
- Setting / Genre
Charts Position
- -
Number of players
- High
Project orientation
- Commercial
Development status
- Released
- Farbflut Entertainment GmbH
More Farbflut Entertainment games
- Farbflut Entertainment GmbH
Rounds length
- 1 year
Time setting
- Real-time
- German
Game effort
- Medium
Game website
www.pennergame.de (210)
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