Kapiworld Browsergame
Game description

How much is the world? Buy it in one piece! Unimagined possibilities await you in KapiWorld, the browser game from the Bamberg-based game developer upjers. Build a global corporation, discover the dazzling world of big capitalists and become the most successful manager of all time!
Turn the world in your favor: Build your business empire on a real 3D map! Different types of terrain await you: lush meadows, dusty deserts and high mountains want to be cultivated with factories, stores and mines. See your competitors up close, zoom back into your own production empire and manufacture a wide variety of products in true-to-life buildings. From silicon to stuffed animals to electric guitars, all options are open to you.
Adapt to the market, observe supply and demand and choose for yourself how you want to climb the career ladder: Fight your way to the top alone with calculation, trade and tactics - or would you rather be a team player and ally yourself with your fellow players? As with all games from upjers, KapiWorld also places great emphasis on the community - joint building and special quests for guilds are just the tip of the iceberg.
We don't want to give too much away at this point. But one thing is for sure: Kapi World is for everyone who enjoys pomp, prestige and private jets! Dive into the world of the big business bosses and hold the world in your hands!
Kapi World is currently in the internal beta phase.
The start of the closed beta is yet to be announced.
- Browsergame
- Setting / Genre
Charts Position
- -
Number of players
- High
Project orientation
- Commercial
Development status
- Offline
- Upjers
More upjers games
- Upjers
Rounds length
- infinite
Time setting
- Real-time
- German
Game effort
- Medium
Game website
- Playing service discontinued
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